Wednesday, January 18, 2012

You and I

Caucasian couple standing together on beachAs I sit in my pensive state,                              
My mind traverses through the meanders,
Of our criss-cross ways.
6 years worth of golden treasure,
Locked deep and tucked away tight,
As a source of secret pleasure.
There is a curious glow
All around me,
As I sit cross-legged,
Holding onto my vestigial sanity ;
And  dare reflect,
On our anomalous amalgamation-
So far.
Overriding the odds and the negatives,
An impish dimple crops up,
As I see the sepia vintage shine 'yellow',
In my mind's eye.
The first girlish  thrill in the spine,
As my eyes clashed with yours,
Across the dancing lights.
Senses ignited in that 'Sweet November'
You appeared many times hence-
While I waltzed away happily,
Merry in others' company-
Yet my hungry eyes
Seemed to have a mind of their own,
As they feasted happily,
Gnawing away at your frequent glimpses.
A little mature,
We struck a peace-less pact.
And so we traveled the treaty path
That changed us both,
To what our imagination
Had failed to conjure.
Made us tougher as beings,
Sensible, sensitive and yet
Desensitized to most around.
Faith reigned supreme,
Through all the glitches of distance,
The break put its foot down inevitably.
Yet somewhere a certain belief,
Never wailed in its shattered banshee-howl.
Many 'wise' say,
Nodding their blue heads
"Everything happens for a reason."
Or its epiphany in serendipity still.
Nevermind- my prayers were answered,
As the path chose you,
And brought you closer.
No matter the pitfalls in individual lives,
Am happy that we share them in 'real' time.
And everyday is a new day,
For You and I,
Where we fight more-
Louder than before,
But grow up a little more,
And learn a chunk of one another-
A lesson cherished beyond measure.
I am the happy go lucky,
Retail snappy uber urbane,
Miss high nose,
While he is my meticulous banker,
A diligent laborer
Who burns the midnight oil,
Living his latex and laxative fantasies.
I am the strong one,
Sure yet a bit insecured.
He is the white mouse,
Is sleepless without some light.
Yet is my ray of light,
Of all my umbras.
I am the image conscious,
Careful about first impressions,
All my thoughts oriented to,
Staying ahead as the niche.
While he is the content savvy one,
Very little he cares for bling and jazz.
Few he likes,
Meager he wants-
A true actor,
His mask never slipping,
To reveal who he is within.
But to me,
He will always be the kid,
Whose eyes shall remain ever expressive,
Of inner thoughts and truths.
I am the very straightforward one,
Never taking recourse in half truths and white lies-
Yet somewhere this transparency creates all my folly,
As the many scars run deep
And the wounds still hurt.
He is the street smart one,
Living through a web of deceit,
As an easy path out-
A smooth talker,
In his skilled modus operandi-
He aims to please none,
Yet shrewdly maintains the balance fulcrum ,
To displease no-one.
A pariah of the Porcupine Problem,
I shun him away too,
As I try to deal with my individual mess.
That's when I need him the most,
For he is the closest by far-
He then lets his biology dictate his actions,
And does nothing of what I desire deep.
So we lapse in cold wars
Only to realize how silly we were,
To have wasted all the time,
A hug would been the only answer.
Yet life with him,
Is a joyful ride.
As we sway to our happy tune,
I dance close to him,
Closer- than anyone I dare.
Engulfed in his heat.
A mixture of contradictions,
Are we.
Ying and Yang,
We happily complement.
So You and I today,
Seem like a unit,
Getting firmer,
And shaping up stronger,
Each day.
No matter what the future brings,
Its the You and I 'now'-
Ignoring the past-
That feels so sacred.
Blessed I sleep tonight.

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