Sunday, November 18, 2018

Nothing beautiful

Image result for crumbling house

If you dont remember the beauty in me,
And I dont remember the beauty in you-
When the day is long gone,
And all is done and dusted -
We realize in our lonesome space-
That we created nothing beautiful.
If for days you had lain beside each other,
To wake up every morning together-
When everything has fallen through
And you dont reach out in memory-
Then all the time we spent,
Were nothing but wasted moments.
Lust is just,
When no-one has to adjust.
But when one is called to commiserate -
That alone obviates the penultimate.
Umbra-d dreams and Umbrella-d deeds -
All cascade into one eventuality -
That you and I created nothing beautiful.
When the voiceless asked you to stay,
You heard the call of the wild
To stray.
To you, home would be the Mamma's love-
Open your eyes, love -
Her kiss is but a bite.
When the hearth has no heart -
How can life sustain?
 At the end of the day,
When the tired body finds solace
In his own lair -
Instead of the home we thought we created,
Then who's the liar?

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Black Rose

Image result for black rose

Clad in noir,
From head to toe,
She stood amidst the sea of color,
A black rose.
Only her eyes shone out,
Black pearls shining bright
In the green orbs -
En-fringed by silk.
Her habit, her halo-
Made her luminescent,
Miles ahead of the lesser mortals-
Who stood by her side.
She looked around the compartment,
At her fellow metro travelers-
Mostly 'screened' out and oblivious,
To each other.
Apathy ran amok-
That was the spirit that resounded-
As it echoed across the bogey.
All of us were embroiled in it,
A victim and a perpetrator-
At once.
Yet as she stood tall,
Her head back held in pride-
Her eyes showed none of the futility,
That lay askew around.
It was then when our eyes met,
Perchance - and we knew-
That she and I were made of the same mold.
Thrusted into separate realities-
Entrusted into the folds of our
Own religion and socio-politics.
Yet the soul,
Seemed to know-
From deep within,
The connect despite the disconnect-B
We were our own alter egos.

Sunday, November 4, 2018


Image result for wildfire

What had started off as a wildfire,
Soon hit a dry run.
A dry spell
Of cast-aways meanders.
Hitting the dead-end,
Going back to the
Point Of No Return.
Emblazoned across each minds-
The fiery memories
Of yesterdays.
All smoke, dust and ashes now -
History created and sustained.
Pointless this life for each ,
Yet to find a meaning remains a goal.
Little did either know,
That Fate had an Ugly Date in mind-
The Judgment Day for all to hear-
And bear as that albatross around
Scrawny necks.
Voiceless march on,
Defenseless to the absoluteness -
The sheer fatigue of life,
Wears them out.
To live is now a rhetoric.

Friday, October 5, 2018

The Amazon

Image result for amazon forest

Silent screams suppressed,
Deep within -
Un-shed tears locked
Behind the lashes. 
Yet dry eyed she walked,
A seeker of peace and balance-
Arrhythmic her gait. 
As she passed by the Amazon,
She saw none of the flora, fauna or the foliage-
Her eyes fixated on the setting sun's crimson hue. 
Soon darkness engulfed her,
In its velvetty softness- 
Prodding her no more,
To egg on - walk on. 
She slid down the Eucalyptus, 
All the while, shrinking 
In the silence. 
Small, huddled up and in pain,
No more- 
She finally slept- 
As she wept. 
Of lost dreams-
Un-carved and unhinged. 
Of lost faces, 
Unfamiliar and remote. 
Of myriad shades of life-
Lived and un-loved. 
Of many lessons learnt - 
And un-learnt on the undo. 
Of puerile guile-
Now beguiled. 
Her sleep dreamless,
She slept on. 

Monday, June 11, 2018

Old friends

Image result for 2 wine glasses

We met after almost a year,
Old friends grown older-
Time seemed to move companionably
Along the stretches of silence and sound.
I looked at you,
White hair and wrinkles searched your eyes,
I wondered then,
Could you see through me-
To the old scars that lay buried
In their silent scream?
Mayhaps, we require no words to express
Or fathom -
The present and past
While future remains a question.
I saw you too,
A fiery Phoenix,
Lying low, waiting to dance.
I thought as talked glibly,
How gullible we have become as adults.
Could we reverse time,
To when we felt smarter dreaming
Of infinite possibilities.
I reflected too,
On my own imagery.
Fighting hard to preserve
The last vestiges of 'youth'
With a burgeoning waist time.
I felt none of the fun,
Others may have at this time -
Having the time of their lives.
You did say I looked unhappy,
Age showed.
I would concur too.
Too many idle moments
And wasted lights.

Monday, April 23, 2018


Image result for silence

Silence, is a space
Lost in time.
A terrain marked
For just one's self.
No emotions,
That words spill -
No edge,
Which any life deals.
Just a feeling of
Being one and whole,
Special too maybe-
In the flow.
Silence, is harmony-
Where no will defies the wheels,
And there is no
No give and take,
Of what one doesn't have -
No backward glance,
To what one left behind -
Only soft soulful
One breath after another.
One heartbeat after the other.
Silence, is a selfish zone-
To be lost and never found.
To be there,
But not around.
To be at one,
Yet quite done-
And no one to judge
Or stop you.
As you go your way,
Being silent.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Older and Younger

Image result for couple holding hands

They had grown a little older
And a little younger.
The pair as they had trudged through
These years together.
With eyes set on the horizon,
A prayer on lips,
And hope emblazoning their way ahead.
He held her hand firmly,
His iron grip tight.
To let go was to die,
As she kept weaving
In and out of the
Simple but similar reasons
To die for.
He pulled her closer,
His breath filling her lungs,
When she gasped with the magnitude of it all-
As reality faded and dreams overwhelmed.
When the clouds departed,
Leaving a sunny road yonder,
All the pair of them could do
Was to sit and wonder.
At the impact and implications,
The implicit intonations-
Of someone's lost hopes
And the other's regained trust in magic.