Monday, August 31, 2020


You are always
On my mind. 
As the reason - 

For the sudden smile, 
Or the sparkle in my eye. 
In you I did lean,
As the world swung by 
And the time rushed on -
Careless of life. 
With you, 
My days found hope
As, in you
I did sense a bit of a home.
You are the star-shine,
On any dark night - 
A soft envelope
Against the ordinary world,
Lighting up my world,
In your invincible glow. 
You are my comfort,
A safe space
To nestle into - 
Burrowing deep within
Your reserves of strength,
To find some in me too. 
You are the dream,
Of a the nomad -
To have found 
A direction, at last! 
I am only too happy 
To find out more - 
Of what lies ahead,
And what life has in store.
Till then,
I am okay to embrace
The fragility of the 'more' - 
Because in it lies 
Beauty and it's Music,
As the tendrils of familiarity 
Bind me to you. 
Bubbles of excitement,
Rise up,
As I think of you -
Longing to see the same things
As you do. 
Till then,
There you shall be - 
Far yet so very near.
Standing atop the pedestal,
Shining the brightest. 

Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Epitaph

What if your last text features as epitaph on tombstone ...

What hid behind,
The Smile -
No-one knew.
When you went the mile-
You left a life, askew.
Now, it's tough to trace,
The rings of memories-
Like, wreathes of smoke,
From half burnt out butts,
They settle, unsettled.
The dried up tears,
Stretch the path-
Never forgotten.
The unsmiling eyes,
Look deep into the faded photograph-
For a sign of life,
Remembering the epitaph.