Tuesday, November 8, 2016


I thought about writing about
My own lack of writing in nowadays.
No more diary-like life for me-
The basic pointlessness of life itself,
A mockery.
The zest for living
Has deserted me long back.
Now I only wait to surrender,
And seek peace.
Life in this earth feels heavier
Carrying on the charade
Of existence,
A double-edged sword.
There is no cause,
Nor any reason to smile.
All seem frozen -
Buried deep inside.
No urge to write too hence -
What's the point anyway?

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

At the bar!

Hazel eyes burned back

As both stood in the crowded staircase –

The brown curious ones stared back-

Surprised at the halt. 

The thin fingers of a known grip

Fought hard against the pulsating moment –

“Do we look old? “ the voice whispered. 

The softness of tone –

A jar against time.

Both minds raced back

To the well beaten,

Mostly disparate paths

Of the last decade left by. 

One felt the weight of the world

Burdened on his scrawny shoulders.

The other walked on-

A spring in the step

And a smile light on her lips. 

The moment revealed the evolution -

Of their beings and souls.

 No more kids were they anymore -

Eyes candied against the world-

But adults charting a new chapter.

 For one, contentment seemed ablaze-

On her face -  

She thought back to the man with broad shoulders-

Who had made her world complete.

 For the other one, 

The night seemed to lose out its mirth -

As the grey clouds descended with questions -

Of life and existence

,Along his solitary road

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Poppy !

In her Daddy's arms she walked,
Like the autumn breeze on thirsty shores.
Time stood still as my heart thumped-
Of a sudden known feeling long suffused.
It was -
Love at first sight?
The big eyes looked around,
Scared and wondrous-
Silently and broodingly she surveyed,
The sunny pad- 
Then crept on to her Daddy's lap,
Not able to articulate all that engulfed
Her little heart.
Her baby fingers gripped the known-
But firmly ignoring the touch of the unknown.
Daddy seemed her biggest shelter,
The only friend she could turn to.
Watching her,
My heart swelled with all that
Joy can shade!
Was it possible,
My mind echoed as it reeled-
This odd deja-vu?
Dear Poppy soon found her feet,
And took her fearless 3 feet self,
All around the Sunny flat.
She found the big yellow dog with floppy ears,
In that moment,
I further found conviction-
Of who she was and who I was too!
She asked with her soulful eyes-
Looming large in ponderance,
Illumined by her imaginings-
"Is the doggy sleeping?"
I knew then,
About the heart of gold,
This little angel had.
And she looked on at me-
Courage ringing her intrigued eyes,
She slowly let her guards down-
As she knew, that she could connect too!
Poppy is the Queen of Hearts-
She reigned supreme always.
Her sunny smile had always tugged my heartstrings-
In this life too-
She's no less a miracle.
My little bundle of joy-
Born to people who do not
Seem to see her -
Little Poppy, has miles to go,
And she would-
Her eyes 
Reflecting her soul!

Saturday, January 30, 2016


Age softened eyes,
Now look mellow-
Retrospective in fond memories.
Tinkering laughter,
Love filled moments,
Or, the bitter words exchanged -
All now bring a slow smile,
To set the face aglow.
The typing keys had been left untouched-
The miss of their music the biggest null-
Happiness seemed a distant goal,
Sometimes within reach, sometimes away-
Mocking as you lay cold.
The omniscient eyes now-
A little older,
Lie on the browned grass
And stare upwards- heavenwards.
Watching white clouds drawing trails,
As they trace their own whispery paths-
Casting grey shadows in the azure.
The clouds differ in forms and shapes-
Much like the memories that the 
Mind now encapsulates.
You stretch your hand,
The fingers tracing the cloud patterns-
As the mind stays hushed- reflective and somber.
Sade - let the memoirs rain down 
On the tired mind.
Cleanse and renew soul spirit.
Let the rain give new strength,
And set afloat fresh dreams.
Sade - the sound of a new beginning?