Monday, June 11, 2018

Old friends

Image result for 2 wine glasses

We met after almost a year,
Old friends grown older-
Time seemed to move companionably
Along the stretches of silence and sound.
I looked at you,
White hair and wrinkles searched your eyes,
I wondered then,
Could you see through me-
To the old scars that lay buried
In their silent scream?
Mayhaps, we require no words to express
Or fathom -
The present and past
While future remains a question.
I saw you too,
A fiery Phoenix,
Lying low, waiting to dance.
I thought as talked glibly,
How gullible we have become as adults.
Could we reverse time,
To when we felt smarter dreaming
Of infinite possibilities.
I reflected too,
On my own imagery.
Fighting hard to preserve
The last vestiges of 'youth'
With a burgeoning waist time.
I felt none of the fun,
Others may have at this time -
Having the time of their lives.
You did say I looked unhappy,
Age showed.
I would concur too.
Too many idle moments
And wasted lights.