Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Parts of Me


There is a part of me,

That knows no emotion-

Walking blank and black,

Thrust into the Noir.

There is a part of me,

That is happy-

Deliriously so,

Delusional as well.

There is a part of me,

Afraid to let 

The dam break,

Or the guards down-

Hesitant to fuel,

The controversy that curiosity 

Can alone raise. 

There is a part of me,

That's watchful-

Silent and steady,

In a pensive gaze

Cast across the world around-

Reserving the scorn,

That myopia can bring. 

There is a part of me today,

That keeps counting the seconds,

Instead of the blessings-

To go beyond,

And very far away - 

Where the elasticity

Of the horizon line,

Is still unknown.

That is a part of me,

That is scattered and splattered -

In debris of my hubris,

Picking up the pieces-

To still hold on,

Un-waned and IUn-tamed.

Monday, August 31, 2020


You are always
On my mind. 
As the reason - 

For the sudden smile, 
Or the sparkle in my eye. 
In you I did lean,
As the world swung by 
And the time rushed on -
Careless of life. 
With you, 
My days found hope
As, in you
I did sense a bit of a home.
You are the star-shine,
On any dark night - 
A soft envelope
Against the ordinary world,
Lighting up my world,
In your invincible glow. 
You are my comfort,
A safe space
To nestle into - 
Burrowing deep within
Your reserves of strength,
To find some in me too. 
You are the dream,
Of a the nomad -
To have found 
A direction, at last! 
I am only too happy 
To find out more - 
Of what lies ahead,
And what life has in store.
Till then,
I am okay to embrace
The fragility of the 'more' - 
Because in it lies 
Beauty and it's Music,
As the tendrils of familiarity 
Bind me to you. 
Bubbles of excitement,
Rise up,
As I think of you -
Longing to see the same things
As you do. 
Till then,
There you shall be - 
Far yet so very near.
Standing atop the pedestal,
Shining the brightest. 

Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Epitaph

What if your last text features as epitaph on tombstone ...

What hid behind,
The Smile -
No-one knew.
When you went the mile-
You left a life, askew.
Now, it's tough to trace,
The rings of memories-
Like, wreathes of smoke,
From half burnt out butts,
They settle, unsettled.
The dried up tears,
Stretch the path-
Never forgotten.
The unsmiling eyes,
Look deep into the faded photograph-
For a sign of life,
Remembering the epitaph. 

Sunday, July 26, 2020

That moment

Close up view of a sexy couple laying down in bed, relaxing and ...

The plumes of smoke,
Billowed through,
Curling into our skin,
The wafts of hashish-drugged joy,
A merry haze.
I looked at you,
Over the gold rim,
Of the wine glass-
Saw your profile,
Sharp and strong,
The marble eyes-
Shielding the blaze,
Aglow, within.
I leaned closer,
To trace out the features-
As your eyes,
Gained focus on mine.
The tendrils of my curls,
Rested on your brows-
As I chased away the clouds,
That lurked in the hidden,
Depths of the eyes.
I lay,
Listening to your heart-beat-
The melting wax of the candles,
The indication of time.
That moment,
Needed no words.
We lay together,
As silence engulfed us-
And world around us,
Revolved, pivot-less.

Black pools

Staring Into Someone's Eyes For 10 Minutes Can Alter Your ...

The eyes, 
Saw the reflection
In the mirror - 
The face - unknown. 
The body, 
Yet, all too familiar. 
The black pools,
Saw the ocean within -
The waves that crashed,
To the surface,
Yet fizzled out,
Before the froth. 
The tornado,
Of the thoughts- 
Imminent and inverse, 
Looking at the moments,
In the reverse. 
Living the moments,
Of the final call-
The silent cry,
For help. 
The silence,
That crashed,
As an afterglow - 
Deafening and a blow,
To all that she'd held close. 
The walls had been shattered,
Replaced by cemented guards-
The eyes, 
Now that stared back-
Wrinkled and fine-lined,
Spoke of another chapter. 

Thursday, June 25, 2020


Shepherd Man German Shepherd Sheep Dogs Sheep High Resolution ...

As each month passes by,
And the future
Is always the living present -
A part of me,
Finds myself rooted,
To the past.
The sepia toned moments now-
Seemed to be the only life.
Time now,
A mere countdown
On a clock-work precision.
The days left behind,
That bear our twin pair of,
Footprints cemented to the sand-
Seem to stretch like,
An elastic forever.
A warm blanket,
To hold me close-
In the coldest of times.
Etched in stone,
Is your happy smile -
That flowed freely,
And loved so deeply.
You remain the truth,
Of a moral compass-
To guide the nights by.
The shepherd,
To the manger of hopes -
Your natural optimism,
A beacon in all darkness.
Words can never,
Bespeak the essence -
Of your absence now.
Its felt acutely now-
Ever more so,
With every faded day,
That gets struck off the calendar.

Saturday, May 30, 2020


Collector Concerns: How to Judge the Quality of | Artwork Archive

As the pages turn,
The days die too.
Shorn into their own dusk,
Awaiting a starless sky.
The pair of eyes gleam upwards,
Unshed tears glitter,
All the while,
Searching for another pair,
So known yet now so afar.
The black hole,
Yawns in between -
The gaping hollow,
Too extreme.
One long gone,
Without a trace,
Or a new address-
Leaving the other,
Lost and wandering.
The one left behind,
Is the one left over.
The promises of togetherness -
A sudden sham,
That arise the bile,
Locked deep in the throat.
Yet the tears know no anger-
Peace and love adorn,
The gaze.
As the photographs run out,
The memories are what seem real now-
The only link to the reality -
Now abstract.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Bus ride

Morning Bus Ride to the Work Free Stock Photo | picjumbo

I looked over at my 3 am companion, 
With my jaded eyes,
Dulled with sleep. 
But my mind was abuzz,
Going over the last 48 hours,
Of the sudden trip. 
He sat beside me too,
His white shirt stretched over
His broad shoulders -
Which fought for space,
In the seat for two. 
I put my head on his shoulder,
Thinking that we should have Uber-ed,
And not waited for the bus to start.
His composed poise,
Told me to hold on tight,
Keep the faith, 
Trust the night.
Impatience is my vice - 
And yet his calm, 
Helped ease my mind - 
Negate the white noise,
And kill the chatter.
We sat side by side, 
Yet the silence, 
Was the solace.
An hour later, 
When the bus wheels began to move, 
And dawn broke out,
Filling the horizon,
With a soft glow;
I looked at my companion in wonder -
Marveling at the new chapter,
Yet unopened. 

Sunday, April 5, 2020


What Does the Bible Say About Death? 10 Important Things to Know

I dread the day,
When I have to let you go-
When I can see your eyes no more,
Watching my every step.
I fear the day,
When I can't hear your footsteps anymore-
Running behind me-
Trying to keep up
Or out-run.
I am paralyzed
With the ominous inevitability,
Of holding you still,
Not feeling your precious heartbeat
Any more.
I pray everyday,
For the longer life,
Happier each day.
And I know,
My life would be sans meaning-
Without your love,
To feel fulfilled everyday -
And I'll follow suit too,
As soon as you go.


How .NET Core Tools Improved in Visual Studio 2019 Preview 2 ...

Two conflicting emotions,
Yet the core, 
So the same. 
There I saw you,
Shedding tears for someone,
Long gone -
Still looking for answers,
For the questions unasked. 
My heart burst,
With all the love,
That the sheer protective bond 
Of a decade long friendship 
As I saw the tears roll down,
All I could think of,
And curse at,
Was the distance;
This space separating us
Across the continents - 
As we each run amok - frightened?
As I sat ruminating in deep, 
Contemplating life and love,
I looked around to see baby fast asleep -
Her innocence, her watermark. 
And I watched her dream happily, 
Of the many butterflies and rainbows,
My heart again burst,
With the protective love - 
That our bond commands. 
It moved me then,
To realize and feel,
The power of love- 
At that moment, 
Of that moment. 
Two separate entities, 
Two distinct identities,
With different realities- 
Yet the vector in me,
Driven by the core root
Of love,
To give life, a life. 

Thursday, March 12, 2020

The Little Boy

Image result for nightmare

The eyes that slept,
That night,
Were the same,
That hadn't wept,
For a long time. 
Behind those eyes,
Lived dreams, 
Without hope. 
Sordid and dark,
Fermented and stark-
As the black liquid pools 
Of silent despair,
Flooded the lungs-
As the breath came out,
Fast and loud. 
He held onto,
The woman,
Who lay asleep,
By him -
His only touch of life,
And reality,
Of the moment.
His eyes fluttered,
As his dreams crashed,
All about him.
As the man crumbled away-
The little boy in him,
Shouted out-
Crying for help,
Seeking some solace. 
The girl, awake now,
Watched him,
Frozen in shock-
Yet at that moment,
She felt the full force,
Of her boundless love for him-
To protect and nurture,
The little boy in him,
That had grown up without wonder -
And now lay thrashing about,
Lost in his night-mare. 
She reached out and held him,
Close - 
His breath fanned all about her,
As he whimpered,
For his freedom,
From the death jaws. 
She held him,
Cradling his head onto 
Her bosom- 
Till he calmed down,
And ceased to cry.
Placid he lay,
His face, 
A poetry in repose. 
She watched him, 
As he slept-
Praying for his peace,
As she vowed to 
Pick up all his broken pieces,
And let him live to dream again-
With hope - lost in wonder. 

Monday, March 2, 2020

Into the Light

Image result for light

I wish you well,
From the heart -
Brushing under the carpet,
All that was ugly.
Hatred had suffused
My spirit -
My broken pathway,
Littered with shards
Of the lonely bards.
Forgive and Forget,
I cannot -
Yet to treasure the golden,
And look forward
To the sunshine ahead,
Is silver lining,
Deep within.
Because when things break-
They cannot be glued back.
Fragile reality,
Cannot always bear
The brunt of
Our mistakes.
I bid you well,
Smile - through the tears,
Seek the bright -
In the ashen,
As we walk alone,
Into the light. 

Thursday, February 27, 2020


The Maverick flew down
The steps - 4 at a time.
Life must keep up,
With the pace in his heart -
Than be slow, a start!
His bright eyes,
Gazed at the horizon beyond-
Yet absorbing,
All that the surrounds had to offer-
In a matter of seconds.
Information processing,
Was like second skin -
Expert eyes in 2 pairs,
Could spot the ugly,
In the pseudo-
And yet give no hint,
Of the truth within.
People came in psychedelic colors,
In his walk of life -
As he sprinted past them most -
Head, heart and shoulders above all.
Dark eyes,
Shimmered with the wry and the un-writ,
Rings of mirth,
Covered his aura.
As his lips curved up,
To greet the next stranger -
Inwardly, he laughed at all,
Sizing them up,
Whilst putting them in their rightful places -
In his head.
He was a Maverick-
Who functioned in extremes,
Polarized were the emotions bestowed -
A see-saw of extreme love or hatred,
Nothing in grey -
Nothing suspended in between.
And that's how he liked it -
To keep it clean, clear,
Simple and True.
The Maverick had God on his side -
The light of 'Kaivalya'
Shone bright -
As he pushed the door,
To announce his presence -
To yet another group
In yet another day,
Of his eternal life.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Yellow Light

Image result for yellow light

She lay against his chest,
Cocooned in the comfort- 
Of his strong arms. 
He lay sleeping by her,
His nose buried in her hair. 
She watched him dream-
As his eyes fluttered 
And his lashes shadowed his cheeks. 
She traced his face -
Her touch soft and slow. 
The curve of his lips mellow-
In the soft glow of the yellow light. 
Two forms lay entwined in peace- 
With guards down,
Safe, basking in the trust placed - 
In each other. 
Slowly, she too fell asleep- 
Happy at being home.

Strange Strangers

Image result for don't talk to strangers

She sees his hands now,
Once so lovingly held-
Now seem cold and gnarled.
The fingers that had entwined hers once,
Now seem so slippery.
The ice between them,
Glacial like -
As the unseeing eyes,
Fear the contact.
Hers cold - his questioning.
The strange strangers -
Subscribe to the distance,
Of a worn out,
Love-story -
That created only a
Hollow and Shallow reflections-
At the bitterness of the end.
Yet she moves on with pace
And grace.
To embrace all the new -
And live life anew.
With a vow renewed -
To never let the heart be
Frail again.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Let's Just Be

Image result for holding hands synonyms

Let's not get too deep,
Let's just flow-
Like the water beneath our feet,
As we tread on the rocks
To make our way through.
Let's just be,
In this space of time-
Holding onto the
Serendipitous Anchor,
In each other.
Let's just laugh more,
And live.
Forgetting the rigors
Of the rigmaroles.
Let's not ever,
Get bogged down
And deflated
By the expectations.
Let's just be,
Free and alive-
Young and happy-
Let's just be -
Lost in this giddy flow.
Where we find ourselves first,
Before we complete each other too. 

Saturday, January 25, 2020


Close together, 
Shoulder to shoulder - 
Knees touching,
Yet bodies apart. 
Furtive glances -
Through the sun-shades, 
Yet insouciance absolute,
In gestures. 
The traveling duo- 
In the busy Commercial Street, 
Strangers, yet bound by time and space- 
Of that moment. 
Fumbling fingers, 
Changing sound-tracks.
Hoping no song, 
Impressions on each. 
And then suddenly, 
The auto breaks at its destination - 
Time to get down,
And get on with the world.