Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Face

jigsaw puzzle pieces with faces
Through the cracks of silence,
And the pores of distance,
She peeks at the flashes of a memory dimmed.
Yet tonight seemed different-
As the candle light reminded her
Of a similar night
A couple of years back.
Drawn, by her own curiosity,
No longer frozenly withdrawn,
She lets the soothing silence steal over her-
As she hugs her knees to herself.
She lifts her eyes towards the ceiling-
Letting her mind draw the patterns,
And slowly as her thoughts gather form,
The face she had faded out for so long-
Regains shape and its arrogant structure.
The candle lit room show silhouettes in the wall,
And dark eyes, alight with un-denied desire.
She breathes in the smell she knew so well.
And lets it linger on for longer
As she giddily recollects greedily,
Of all that she'd felt then.
The ecstasy was sweeter,
In the knowledge of  a forbidden territory.
Yet a secret shared and cherished for sometime,
Edged sharply by the duality of times.
The words that'd followed- mellow in the aftermath,
Had ringed with promises that one could trust,
But must not.
Yet intensely,
The moment was all of truth,
And strangely of a childish dream come true-
In itself, flavored with hedonism.
The face she knew so well,
Remained thus as a skeleton in her closet,
But her secret desire nevertheless.
The face, in all its darkness,
Could still bring a smile-
For the agreement was mutual,
Of being & keeping a secret well.