Monday, September 17, 2012

The Wine Wizened Daze

You've been on my mind,
As much I try to run from it-
Putting up mental walls to block the images-
But they keep coming back.
I realize there's no end to you in my life-
We go on- a flow best left abstract.
The saga continues-
As in moments of alacrity,
We seek simplicity-
Perhaps best found in our eyes.
We never seem to drift,
Nor let distance affect our meets-
Despite not being on 'talking terms'.
Close to 7 years now,
And miles apart with no knowledge
Of divergent lives,
Past conversation threads,
Still linger on -
As haunting extensions of thought.
Whenever, wherever
Our paths have crossed,
You've always restored a sense of balance
In me- made me see me in a better light.
Each time the search for each other-
Has only made us better as beings to be re-introduced.
Somewhere down the line,
Our innocence of the simple days,
Of the simple ways of earlier life,
Still prevail.
So that despite all complexities and wine wizened daze,
Our certain vintage charm in sepia mode,
Survives -  like old wine in  a new bottle.
Out of a sense of re-attachment and self-inquisition.
I need to know about you and me-
About the journey headed to unknown destinations.
With my palms pressed against the tinted glass,
I need to see how much our surroundings have changed-
Or how far we've traveled sans a certain comfort.
The onward path-
Shaped by winds of change to imperfection
And carved by incompletion of the two lives.
Seized my wonderment,
Struck by the moment,
I feel a spark of joy light up-
For I know we've left the path open ended,
And shall meet again-
Only to ascertain the background score.