Sunday, October 24, 2010


Looking back
I marvel,
How those few hours,
Could change me so much.
Alter my life path
So drastically.
Open my eyes,
To a new possible high.
A new route-
Where freedom-
And being free has
A new address.
With a new found resolve.
I had never shunned away-
As an integral part of me.
I am as natural
As you are.
Crystallized images
Of the time spent-
Etched deep in my memory-
Give me a reason-
To just be me.
Let it be.
Leave all thoughts behind.
But forge on.
To whatever
Is destined to be the end.
Coz the end scares me no more.
I am stronger now.
Was it your afterglow?
I march ahead.
With no thoughts of regret.
What had to happen,
Naturally happened
For the very best.
Why question and curse?
I have long left behind
My walls of self-depreciation.
A self-deprecated living
Was not for me.
I am glad-
For the hours then-
Quite magical
In their intensity-
They illumine my life-
And fill up my thoughts.
Bubbles of joy
Rise up.
Who cares
About the ultimate end.
Good or bad?
As long as the now
Is good enough?

What is the Point?

What do we need to
Talk about now-
When all has been said and done-
Too many times.
When all the wrongs-
Are too much sedimented,
To be undone.
Drifted apart-
Miles away.
Our thoughts divergent,
From all that we had dreamot up of-
Long ago.
What is the point in
Rehashing the past?
When it is dead.
For you.
For me.
There is no going back now.
The ego is too well
Sunk in.
There is no time for,
Rethinking things over.
We both have
Coursed ahead in our
Too far.
Beyond belief.
There is no place for,
You and me –
The linear existence,
Shall travel time ridden,
Separate paths.
Never daring to hope
For a convergence-
That would be
Killing all germs of
A new life.
A sacrifice,
For which,
Neither have the
Courage to muster.
Failed- in the test of time,
What is the point then,
In sharing the space together.
What is the point then,
In letting the coffee cups,
Cool down-
While both pairs of vision,
Would scatter away happily,
To a place,
Where knowledge is not free.
And the feet would tap
To an unheard rhythm.
Smiles would be hollow,
As also the apparent concern.
What is the point then,
To see each other
One more time?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Broom Vroom..

Happily have left behind
All my dark clouds.
Gloom can settle in-
And unsettle me no more.
High up on a cloud so,
I fly and soar ,
On that Halloween broom,
Left behind by you.
As the magic of you-
Can only make joyous thoughts,
Fleet and bleat in my mind’s territory.
Not looking for much,
Yet floating on,
On an endless incredible flow-
I rest relaxed-
As the past ties,
Act as shackles no more.
I seek no reason-
And no explanations .
Of Now and Then.
Only hope,
That both can be
As happy,
As we desire.
Sensitized only to
The optimist in you,
It feels great,
To give stupidity
A chance.
Two worlds-
Yet, the dream webs,
Are getting entangled-
Out of their own
Feels good to
Just Let it be-
Leave the control button
And rest easy.
A joyride,
Through the endless pastel shades-
As natural as existence.
Feels good—
To just,
Shake my head thus-
And say-
Will show me the way.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Simulacrum- A Simulation..

Its funny,
When I look back now.
At all the promises,
That had to bite the dust
So soon.
All the fiery words-
Lay in smouldering ashes
Of mistrust.
Finally- the bond-
Was snapped.
The last thread
Of control-
Vanished overnight.
Self-respect, love for self-
Could live in denial,
No more.
The ugly head of arrogance,
Had to raise its head-
Ego flared up-
As logic crumbled.
Like a loosely bound,
Pack of cards.
An ironical humour,
Crosses my thoughts.
At the peurile folly of it all.
No place for a secondary association.
Life is still apace-
In its many hazes and mazes.
Why live in crushed hopes?
When all that we had lived for
Was a simulacrum-
Asimulation of our twisted thoughts?