Monday, August 27, 2012


Man in sad clown make upSo we met,
Like you'd wanted.
Sat, side by side-
Wordless ;
As the power of speech left us
And silence rendered us beseechless.
In our minds,
The myriad questions lingered on,
Our story played out its own roll-
Outplayed. Outlived ?
Yet the answers were the monsters,
We shied away from -
Silence stretched on,
As the clock ticked its own hour.
My dark eyes like opaque orbs -
Walls through which you never could reach within.
You did your best,
To wrest the space
Ward off the coldness cementing-
Break all the shackles of a narrow mind made up.
I knew your moves,
Knew your game.
Could thus face you - frozen.
We played out our roles,
Like empty casts in a pantomime,
Till the time came for me to leave.
So I left,
Like I'd wanted.
Walked away without a backward glance-
You moved on too-
With your eyes on my back.

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