Monday, August 27, 2012


Man in sad clown make upSo we met,
Like you'd wanted.
Sat, side by side-
Wordless ;
As the power of speech left us
And silence rendered us beseechless.
In our minds,
The myriad questions lingered on,
Our story played out its own roll-
Outplayed. Outlived ?
Yet the answers were the monsters,
We shied away from -
Silence stretched on,
As the clock ticked its own hour.
My dark eyes like opaque orbs -
Walls through which you never could reach within.
You did your best,
To wrest the space
Ward off the coldness cementing-
Break all the shackles of a narrow mind made up.
I knew your moves,
Knew your game.
Could thus face you - frozen.
We played out our roles,
Like empty casts in a pantomime,
Till the time came for me to leave.
So I left,
Like I'd wanted.
Walked away without a backward glance-
You moved on too-
With your eyes on my back.

Friday, August 10, 2012

The Cello

The cello plays a poignant tune -
Crying for all that is worth,
And yet not meant to be.
The eye is not to see,
But be-
As a reminder of a mirror,
That it was held to be.
The chastened soul,
Must travel the bruised path,
Set to the tune of another's design.
For that's how it must be.
An impassive face meets stony silence,
Icy winds down the hollow graveled road.
The paradox pervasive in its duality,
The truth versus the unknown.
A silent need versus the expressed shared.
When the rage subsides in me,
Out of sight,out of mind-
Shall reign in a sense of wonderment.
In itself a peace.
Or is it?
Confusion runs in circles,
There is more than meets the eye,
I realize, or make myself to.
Or maybe delusion is all I seek.
The cello is more sitar like now.
The pace faster,
As I still reel answerless.
The raga more known.
As I remain immobile,
Clutching at straws.